Thursday, April 15, 2010

missing pet

Last Sunday,Sarina's pet dog was missing.Her dog's name was scooby.She so loved to her dog because she reard at 2005 to 2010.

Then she determined to find her dog.So she send flyers about her missing dog from home to home.She send the flyers together with her brother.They went around neighbourhood to send the flyers.

A few days a man came to their house to return their dog.Sarina and her brother so happy to see their dog again.The man said he found in the garden

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My favourite cousin

I would visit cousin3 because his house is near to my grandmother’s house. His hobby is the same with my hobby which is play badminton. At school he is a prefect and also a scout. His ambition is to be a police officer. He is a good story writer.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Hari ni baru je saya habis ujian (UPPM1).Boleh tahan juga soalan ujian tu.Mudah-mudahan saya dapat keputusan yang cemerlang.Kalau nak kenal dengan saya lebih lanjut boleh buka facebook.Pergi dekat fin friends tulis

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

race to witch mountain

Tajuk cerita ini adalah race to witch mountain.Cerita ni pasal 2 budak makhluk asing.Budaknya yang dekat bawah yang dua orang tu.Yang lelaki kat tu pula tukang drive teksilah.Nama laki yang bawak teksi adalah jack bruno.Yang budak dua orang adalah sara.Ok itu je lah yang saya tahu.

Monday, August 31, 2009

bmw and skyline

Dekat sini ada dua kereta yang sebelah kanan itu kereta BMW.Yang sebelah kiri pula kereta nissan skyline gtr r35.Tapi awak ras kereta mana lagi cantik bagi sayalah kereta nissan skyline gtr r35.Sebab saya tak boleh bagu tau.OKEYyyy!